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Loading and Launching MATLAB

1. Open the Terminal and use the following commands at the command line.

2. module avail matlab to list all the available matlab versions.

3. module load matlab/R2018a to load matlab. This command should return the confirmation “module loaded”.

4. matlab to launch the MATLAB app.

Installing MATLAB Packages such as YALMIP

MATLAB script packages, such as YALMIP, can be installed directly by the user on their Oscar account. These instructions assume you are using Oscar via the VNC client.

1. Open the Terminal on your VNC session.

2. Navigate to your home folder by typing cd ~

3. mkdir -p MATLAB

4. wget -O

5. unzip

6. In MATLAB, add the YALMIP-master directory to your path.

  1. In the MATLAB file browser, navigate to the MATLAB folder you created in your home folder. cd ~/MATLAB
  2. Right click on the YALMIP-master folder.
  3. Select Add to Path > Selected Folders and Subfolders. This adds the YALMIP folders to your path.

7. To save your MATLAB path, use the savepath command in the MATLAB command prompt. savepath ~/MATLAB/pathdef.m

YALMIP also requires a solver like SDPT3. The steps below add SDPT3 to MATLAB.

1. Open the Terminal.

2. cd ~/MATLAB

3. wget -O

4. unzip

5. In MATLAB, add the sdpt3 directory to your path.

  1. In the MATLAB file browser, navigate to the MATLAB folder you created in your home folder. cd ~/MATLAB
  2. Right click on the sdpt3-master folder.
  3. Select Add to Path > Selected Folders and Subfolders. This adds the SDPT3 folders to your path.

6. To update/save your MATLAB path, use the savepath command in the MATLAB command prompt. savepath ~/MATLAB/pathdef.m